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Adobe AD0-E117 Test Dumps

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Last Updated: 24-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

Which factor usually has the greatest impact on improving AEM site performance at scale?
A. Using fewer publish instances
B. Minimizing dispatcher caching
C. Properly configuring and tuning the TarPM/SegmentNodeStore
D. Storing all binary assets in a single large JCR node

  Properly configuring and tuning the TarPM/SegmentNodeStore

Explanation: A well-tuned AEM repository (e.g., SegmentNodeStore, blob storage configuration) significantly impacts performance. Using multiple publish instances and robust caching are also important, but repository optimization is often critical at scale.

Question # 2

Which of the following is a best practice for managing AEM deployments in a CI/CD pipeline?
A. Deploy production code changes manually to avoid mistakes
B. Store AEM configuration and code in a version control system
C. Merge all code changes directly into the production branch without testing
D. Disable package manager to simplify the deployment process

  Store AEM configuration and code in a version control system

Explanation: Storing configuration and code in version control and using automated builds/tests before production deployment is a key best practice in DevOps for AEM.

Question # 3

In an AEM project, where is the recommended location for storing custom site content and components?
A. /etc
B. /content for site pages, /apps for custom components
C. /libs for both components and content
D. Directly under /var

  /content for site pages, /apps for custom components

Explanation: In AEM, custom site pages are stored under /content, while custom code (components, templates, clientlibs) resides in /apps. /libs is Adobe’s core area and should not be overwritten.

Question # 4

Which Adobe Experience Cloud product integration is typically used to personalize content for different user segments in AEM?
A. Adobe Analytics
B. Adobe Campaign
C. Adobe Target
D. Adobe Audience Manager

  Adobe Target

Explanation: Adobe Target is the primary tool for personalizing site experiences. It works with AEM to serve personalized content to user segments.

Question # 5

For a client requiring approval workflows before content goes live, which AEM capability is most critical to design into the architecture?
A. Sling URL rewriting
B. Customizable Workflow Launcher configurations
C. Replication agents with no triggers
D. AEM Forms data capture

  Customizable Workflow Launcher configurations

Explanation: Workflow Launchers can trigger specific workflows automatically based on events (e.g., content modification) and are central to an approval process.

Question # 6

In AEM, which method is best practice for controlling access to content and features in a large organization?
A. Embedding user credentials within code for each feature
B. Creating granular groups and assigning permissions at the group level
C. Providing all users administrative access to simplify permissions
D. Using a single service user for all content operations

  Creating granular groups and assigning permissions at the group level

Explanation: Best practice is to assign permissions at the group level, ensuring manageability and consistency in large-scale deployments.

Question # 7

Which deployment model is generally recommended for large-scale AEM implementations requiring high availability and scalability?
A. Multiple Author instances behind a load balancer with a single Publish instance
B. Single Author instance and multiple Publish instances behind a load balancer
C. One combined Author-Publish instance for every site environment
D. Multiple Publish instances behind a load balancer and no Author instance

  Single Author instance and multiple Publish instances behind a load balancer

Explanation: Typically, a single Author environment is used for content creation, while multiple Publish instances (scaled horizontally) serve end-users through a load balancer. That setup is key to performance and high availability.

Question # 8

When configuring AEM Dispatcher for optimal caching in a high-traffic website, which approach is most recommended?
A. Disable caching entirely to ensure the content is always fresh.
B. Cache everything, including dynamic user-specific pages.
C. Use a cache TTL (Time to Live) for all assets and pages uniformly.
D. Cache only anonymous GET requests and invalidate content selectively upon updates.

  Cache only anonymous GET requests and invalidate content selectively upon updates.

Explanation: Dispatcher should cache anonymous content to boost performance, while invalidating or flushing specific cached items upon updates. Caching everything (option B) can break dynamic pages, and disabling caching (option A) defeats the performance benefits.

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Adobe Experience Manager Architect Master Exam Dumps

Exam Code: AD0-E117
Exam Name: Adobe Experience Manager Architect Master

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