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Alibaba Cloud ACP-Cloud1 Test Dumps

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Question # 1

Which of the following privilege is required to manually install Alibaba Clod Security Center on the server?
A. Database Access privilege
B. Common user privilege
C. System administrator privilege
D. FTP service privilege

  System administrator privilege

Explanation: To manually install Alibaba Cloud Security Center on the server, you need to have the system administrator privilege. This is because the Security Center agent requires access to the system files and processes, and can perform security operations such as vulnerability scanning, intrusion detection, and threat blocking. A common user privilege or a database access privilege is not sufficient to install the Security Center agent. An FTP service privilege is irrelevant to the installation process.

Question # 2

Alibaba Cloud Server Load Balancer (SLB) provides services for distributing traffic among multiple ECS instances SLB can expand the application system's service capacity through traffic distribution, and improve the system's availability by eliminating SPoFs (Single Points of Failure). Which of the following statements are correct? (Number of correct answers; 2)
A. One of SLB's features is the Health Check. If some of the backend ECS instances are down, whereas other backend ECS instances can still provide services, then the system can continue to work normally.
B. When recreating an SLB instance that has an Internet IP address, a new Internet IP address will be assigned to the SLB instance.
C. Before using SLB to provide external services, make sure that you have installed and correctly configured the SLB agent on all of the backend ECS instances.
D. SLB provides a function to automatically synchronize data among backend ECS instances using rsync remote synchronization.

  One of SLB's features is the Health Check. If some of the backend ECS instances are down, whereas other backend ECS instances can still provide services, then the system can continue to work normally.

  When recreating an SLB instance that has an Internet IP address, a new Internet IP address will be assigned to the SLB instance.

Question # 3

All RDS for MySQL backups are full backups.
A. True
B. False


Explanation: RDS for MySQL supports both full backups and incremental backups. A full backup is a complete backup of all data in a database. An incremental backup is a backup of only the data that has changed since the last backup. Incremental backups can reduce the backup time and storage space. You can configure the backup cycle and retention period for both types of backups in the RDS console or by using the API.

Question # 4

Alibaba Cloud SLB can distribute user requests to backend ECS instances. These ECS instances must have the same specification (CPU, Memory)
A. True
B. False


Explanation: Alibaba Cloud SLB can distribute user requests to backend ECS instances, but these ECS instances do not have to have the same specification (CPU, Memory). SLB virtualizes the added group of ECS instances in the same region into an application pool, and you can manage backend servers through either the default server group, a primary server group, or VServer groups. You can add ECS instances of different specifications to the same server group or VServer group according to your needs. SLB supports weighted round-robin (WRR) and weighted least connections (WLC) algorithms to balance the load among backend servers with different weights.

Question # 5

When using Alibaba Cloud SLB to forward layer 7 (HTTP) service requests. SLB will replace the IP address in the HTTP header file to forward requests.
Therefore the source IP address that can be seen on the backend ECS instance is the IP address of SLB instead of the clients real IP address.
A. True
B. False


Explanation: When using Alibaba Cloud SLB to forward layer 7 (HTTP) service requests, SLB will replace the IP address in the HTTP header file to forward requests. Therefore, the source IP address that can be seen on the backend ECS instance is the IP address of SLB instead of the client’s real IP address. However, SLB also provides a feature called XForwarded- For (XFF) that can help you obtain the real IP address of the client. XFF is a standard HTTP header field that records the original IP address of the client and the proxy servers that the request passes through. You can enable XFF on the SLB console or by using the API, and then configure your backend ECS instance to parse the XFF header field and get the real IP address of the client.

Question # 6

You have created two Alibaba Cloud VPCs in two different regions To establish communication between these two VPCs via the Intranet, you can________.
A. Use the VRouter to create a new route table to enable the communication
B. Use CEN to establish communication between VPCs
C. Create a new access rule through the Security Group to enable the communication
D. No operation is needed, as VPCs under the same account are connected through the Intranet by default

  Use CEN to establish communication between VPCs

Question # 7

If you need to accelerate a certain domain name (such as via Alibaba Cloud Content Delivery Network (CDN), you must add it to "CDN Domain Name List" in the CDN service. After added successfully, you will get a CNAME address A Next, you need to modify domain name resolution and direct the domain name (such as to CNAME address A. Which of the following is a NOT correct description of modifying domain name resolution?
A. If your domain name (such as is transferred to Alibaba Cloud in advance, and managed by the same Alibaba Cloud account, you can perform one-step resolution modification.
B. The CNAME address allocated to the domain name (such as will point to an IP address. This IP address resolving mechanism is intelligently managed by Alibaba Cloud CDN system.
C. The DNS service provider used by the domain name (such as must support intelligent resolution.
D. The DNS service provider used by the domain name (such as can be companies other than Alibaba Cloud.

  The DNS service provider used by the domain name (such as must support intelligent resolution.

Explanation: The DNS service provider used by the domain name (such as does not need to support intelligent resolution, because the CNAME address allocated to the domain name will point to an IP address that is intelligently managed by Alibaba Cloud CDN system. Therefore, option C is not a correct description of modifying domain name resolution. References: What is Alibaba Cloud CDN? - CDN - Alibaba Cloud Documentation Center and Alibaba Cloud CDN

Question # 8

Auto Scaling can automatically adjust the number of ECS instances based on user-defined scaling rules to meet service needs. If a user cannot predict service changes or does not have enough history data, he/she can still use dynamic scaling mode to automatically add/remove ECS instances based on certain Cloud Monitor performance metrics (such as the CPU utilization rate)
A. True
B. False


Explanation: Auto Scaling is a service that automatically adjusts the number of ECS instances based on your business needs and policies. You can use Auto Scaling to cope with unpredictable or periodic workloads. Auto Scaling supports three scaling modes: scheduled, dynamic, and fixed1. Dynamic scaling mode allows you to automatically add or remove ECS instances based on CloudMonitor metrics, such as CPU utilization, memory utilization, inbound traffic, and outbound traffic2. You can configure scaling rules and scaling policies to define the conditions and actions for dynamic scaling. For example, you can set a scaling rule to add one ECS instance when the average CPU utilization of the scaling group exceeds 80% for five consecutive minutes3. Dynamic scaling mode is suitable for scenarios where you cannot predict service changes or do not have enough historical data to set a schedule4.

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ACP Cloud Computing Certification Exam Dumps

Exam Code: ACP-Cloud1
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