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Appian ACD300 Test Dumps

Total Questions Answers: 35
Last Updated: 17-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

You are working on a process model that is triggered at 9 AM every day. The time zone setting in Appian is configured to UTC. Which time zone is the process model using to schedule tasks?
A. The time zone of the user who created the process model.
B. The default time zone set in the Appian environment.
C. The time zone of the user executing the task.
D. The time zone of the server where Appian is installed.
E. The time zone of the user most recently interacting with the process model.

  The default time zone set in the Appian environment.

Question # 2

During a sprint planning session, you are reviewing a user story that reads: “As a customer, I need to be able to track the status of my order in real-time." What two functional acceptance criteria would be considered 'good' for this feature?
A. The system will show the order status in a user-friendly dashboard.
B. The user must manually refresh the page to see the updated status.
C. The system will send a push notification each time the order status changes.
D. The user will see a progress bar indicating the status of their order.
E. The system must be able to handle up to 1000 simultaneous users querying their order status at once.

  The system will show the order status in a user-friendly dashboard.

  The user will see a progress bar indicating the status of their order.

Question # 3

You are tasked with setting up data validation for an Appian application that interacts with a PostgreSQL database. You have full administrative access. What should be the two main priorities in designing the validation strategy?
A. Ensuring data is validated before it’s written to the database.
B. Ensuring that validations are done using external tools and not within Appian.
C. Validations should be defined as part of the sprint definition for each phase.
D. Ensuring all incoming data is checked against business rules during the integration process.
E. Validating data against the production data model before initiating testing.

  Ensuring data is validated before it’s written to the database.

  Ensuring all incoming data is checked against business rules during the integration process.

Question # 4

You are presented with the following application requirement:
Users must be able to navigate throughout the application while maintaining complete visibility in the application structure, and easily navigate to previous locations.
Which Appian Interface Pattern would you recommend?
A. Use Bullous as Cards pattern on the home page lo prominently display application choices.
B. Implement an Activity History pattern to track an organizations activity measures.
C. implement a drilldown report pattern to show detailed information about report data.
D. Include a breadcrumbs pattern on applicable inert aces to show the organizational hierarchy

  implement a drilldown report pattern to show detailed information about report data.

Question # 5

You need to export data using an out-of-the-box Appian smart service. Which two formats are available (or data generation?
C. Excel



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Appian Certified Lead Developer Exam Dumps

Exam Code: ACD300
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Appian Certified Lead Developer certification validates the individual's expertise in leading project teams and managing complex development projects on the Appian platform.

Utilize Appian's official training courses, study material, and documentation. The Appian Developer Learning Path and dumps4free ACD300 practice test are particularly useful.