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Cisco 820-605 Exam Dumps

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Last Updated: 28-Mar-2025
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Question # 1

Which two actions are critical when communicating with executives? (Choose two.) 


Keep services as a primary topic


Focus on the value achieved


Incorporate the sales team’s plan


Target executive priorities


Focus on technical details


Focus on the value achieved


Target executive priorities

Question # 2

In an onboarding session, introductions to new stakeholders were made, new KPIs were collated, and desired use cases were discussed. Which step does the Customer Success Manager take next?


Document the session, stakeholder interests, and metrics for leadership


Create a success plan to be reviewed with the customer at the next review meeting


Provide technical configuration for development


Discuss new opportunities and new products to purchase


Document the session, stakeholder interests, and metrics for leadership

Question # 3

Your customer’s business outcome is to drive employee efficiencies. Which key metrics measure this outcome?


increase in new subscribers or increase in end users


number of incidents reported or number of compliance issues


reduction in headcount or operational support costs


customer and employee feedback


number of activities completed or increase in direct time


number of activities completed or increase in direct time

Question # 4

Which outcome is the best that a Customer Success Manager can achieve for a customer?


adoption of all the licenses and features the customer purchased leading to expansion to improve the customer’s business


full adoption of all the technologies the customer purchased 


removing barriers so the customer achieves the fastest time to value possible from the solution they purchased


ensuring the customers deployment teams and end users are trained and ready to adopt the technology


removing barriers so the customer achieves the fastest time to value possible from the solution they purchased

Question # 5

The Customer Success Manager notices that their customer has delayed going into production. Which action does the Customer Success Manager consider?


Suggest that the customer replace their existing staff


Provide the customer with a chargeable deployment service


Re-enforce the time to value of the solution


Give the customer a discount on a future purchase


Re-enforce the time to value of the solution

Question # 6

Which two outcomes are expansion opportunities within customer success? (Choose two.)


expansion of solution features


renewal of solution subscription


purchase of a new solution


deployment of solution


expansion of solution services


expansion of solution features


deployment of solution

Question # 7

Which expense is an operating expense (OPEX)?




computer equipment




office improvements



Question # 8

Which key industry trend explains the need for companies to invest in a Customer Success practice and Customer Success Manager role?


Service organizations must evolve from a “break fix” business model to proactive and pre-emptive services that help prevent problems for customers before they arise and accelerate solution adoption. The CSM advises and professional services team on the best services to position.


IT budgets are shifting to line of business decision makers who want to understand the business outcomes from technology investments before they purchase. The CSM supports sales with use cases and testimonials for proposed solutions.


IT is increasingly adopting new consumption models. In a subscription economy, customers can cancel subscriptions if business value and tangible outcomes are not realized. The CSM ensures that the customer’s business outcomes are achieved with the shortest time to value.


The accelerated pace of innovation in the era of the Internet of Things confuses many customers. A CSM helps sales position the right technologies that will accelerate success for their business.


IT is increasingly adopting new consumption models. In a subscription economy, customers can cancel subscriptions if business value and tangible outcomes are not realized. The CSM ensures that the customer’s business outcomes are achieved with the shortest time to value.

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Cisco Customer Success Manager (CSM) Test Dumps

Exam Code: 820-605
Exam Name: Cisco Customer Success Manager (CSM)

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