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Question # 1

As the Cloud Administrator, you have received the following request to make the changes in vRealize Automation to support new service capabilities.

1. Create a Storage Tier to support encryption.
2. Create a Network Profile for Phobos Project.
• Choose the NSX-T network from the available list.
3. The existing Phobos Zone should offer the following capabilities
• Initial workload placement should use VMware vRealize Operations and all workloads should be placed into a specific virtual machine folder by default.
The following information has been provided to assist you in these tasks:
The following information has been provided to assist you in these tasks:
• vRealize Automation URL: vr-automation.corp.local
• Cloud Admin Username: vcapadmin@corp.local
• Cloud Admin Password: VMware1!
Storage Profile Settings:
• Name: Encrypted Storage Tier
• Disk Type: Standard disk
• Region: vSphere Private Cloud / Local Dat
. Datastore/Cluster: RegionAOUSCSIOI-CC3'
• Provisioning Type: Thin
• Supports Encryption: Yes
• Capability Tag:
o Key: storage
o Value: encrypted
Network Profile Settings:
• Name: Phobos Networks
• Region: vSphere Private Cloud / Local Datacenter
• Network Segment: nsx-phobos-external
• Network IPv4 CIDR:
• Network Default Gateway:
• Domain: cofp.local
• IP Range Name: Phobos-range
• IP Range:
• Network Profile Capability Tag:
o Key: net
o Value: phobos
Cloud Zone Settings:
• Name: Phobos
• Folder: Workloads


To support the new service capabilities in vRealize Automation, you will need to perform the following tasks:

  • Log in to the vRealize Automation console using the provided Cloud Admin credentials.
  • Navigate to Infrastructure > Configure > Storage Profiles.
  • Click New Storage Profile.
  • Enter the Name as “Encrypted Storage Tier”.
  • Set the Disk Type to “Standard disk”.
  • Choose the Region as “vSphere Private Cloud / Local Datacenter”.
  • Select the Datastore/Cluster as “RegionA01USCSIOI-CC3”.
  • For Provisioning Type, select “Thin”.
  • Ensure Supports Encryption is set to “Yes”.
  • Add a Capability Tag with Key as “storage” and Value as “encrypted”.
  • Save the storage profile.
  • In the vRealize Automation console, go to Infrastructure > Configure > Network Profiles.
  • Click New Network Profile.
  • Provide the Name as “Phobos Networks”.
  • Set the Region to “vSphere Private Cloud / Local Datacenter”.
  • Under Network Segment, choose “nsx-phobos-external”.
  • Enter the Network IPv4 CIDR as “”.
  • Set the Network Default Gateway to “”.
  • Specify the Domain as “corp.local”.
  • Go to the IP Ranges tab and add a new range named “Phobos-range” with the range “”.
  • Add a Network Profile Capability Tag with Key as “net” and Value as “phobos”.
  • Save the network profile.
  • Ensure that VMware vRealize Operations is integrated with vRealize Automation for advanced workload placement1.
  • In the vRealize Automation console, navigate to Infrastructure > Cloud Zones.
  • Locate and edit the existing cloud zone named “Phobos”.
  • In the Placement Policy section, set it to use VMware vRealize Operations.
  • Specify the default virtual machine folder for workload placement as “Workloads”.
  • Save the changes to the cloud zone.

Task 1: Create a Storage Tier to Support EncryptionTask 2: Create a Network Profile for Phobos ProjectTask 3: Configure Workload Placement for Phobos ZoneBy completing these steps, you will have created a storage tier that supports encryption, a network profile for the Phobos Project, and configured the Phobos Zone to offer advanced capabilities using VMware vRealize Operations. Always ensure to follow your organization’s best practices and security policies when making changes to the infrastructure.

Question # 2

As the Cloud Administrator for the Saturn Project, you have been tasked to:

1. Create an ABX Action
2. Create a subscription to trigger the action only if the following conditions are met:
a. The Cloud Template is Saturn Ubuntu 18 only.
b The action should fire immediately after the compute resource gets provisioned.
c. The action should trigger only for the current project.
Additional Information required to complete the tasks:
• URL: https://vr-automation.corp.local
• Username: vcapadmin@corp.local
• Password: VMware1!
• Action Name: Saturn-Python-Script
• Python Script Content: "C:\Exam Files\Question 6\Satum Python Script.txt'
• FaaS Provider: On-Prem
• Subscription Name: Execute-Python-Script


To complete Task 6 for the Saturn Project, follow these steps:

  • Log in to the vRealize Automation console at https://vr-automation.corp.local using the provided credentials.
  • Navigate to Extensibility > Actions.
  • Click on New Action.
  • Enter the Action Name as “Saturn-Python-Script”.
  • Select the Scripting Language as Python and the FaaS Provider as On-Prem.
  • Use the Import Package option to upload the content of the Python script from “C:\Exam
  • Files\Question 6\Satum Python Script.txt”.
  • Save the action.
  • Go to Extensibility > Subscriptions.
  • Click on New Subscription.
  • Enter the Subscription Name as “Execute-Python-Script”.
  • Set the Event Topic to trigger after the compute resource gets provisioned, which is typically the “Compute Provision” event.
  • Define the Conditions for the subscription:
  • Save the subscription.

Step 1: Create an ABX ActionStep 2: Create a SubscriptionEnsure that the conditions for the subscription match the exact criteria needed for the Saturn Project. The action will now be triggered automatically under the specified conditions after the compute resource is provisioned.

Question # 3

The Saturn Project team has been tasked to develop a Virtual Machine Snapshot workflow. However, when completing initial testing, the workflow does not work. As the Cloud Administrator. you have been tasked with the following:

1. Ensure that the vCenter Server is included in the vRO inventory.
2. Review, troubleshoot and resolve any issues in the workflow.
3. Make sure the workflow runs successfully.
4. Make sure all snapshots created by the workflow follow the required naming standard.
Information required to complete the task:

• vRealize Automation URL. vr-automation.cofp.local
• Cloud Admin Username: vcapadmin@corp.local
• Cloud Admin Password: VMware1!
• vCenter Connection properties:
• vRealize Orchestrator Workflow: Create a Salurn Snapshot
o Workflow Details:
o Inputs:
• vm [VC:VirtualMachine]
• name [string)
o Outputs:
• snapshot (VC:VirtualMachineSnapshot]
• Workflow Run Details:
o Target Virtual Machine: core-A
o Name: q7
• Snapshot naming standard: [name]-|VM Name]-Saturn-snapshot


To address the tasks for the Saturn Project regarding the Virtual Machine Snapshot workflow, follow these steps:

  • Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client as an administrator.
  • Navigate to Library > Workflows and search for workflows related to vCenter configuration.
  • Run the workflow named Add a vCenter Server instance to include the vCenter Server in the vRO inventory123.
  • Review the workflow named Create a Saturn Snapshot for any errors or misconfigurations.
  • Ensure that all inputs and outputs are correctly defined and that the workflow logic is accurate.
  • Check the vRO logs for any errors related to the workflow execution.
  • After resolving any issues, run the workflow with the target virtual machine core-A and the name q7.
  • Verify that the workflow completes successfully and that the snapshot is created.
  • Modify the workflow to ensure that the naming standard for snapshots follows the format: [name]-[VM Name]-Saturn-snapshot.
  • This can be done by adding a scriptable task in the workflow that constructs the snapshot name using the provided inputs and the naming standard.
  • Use the following code snippet in the scriptable task to set the snapshot name:

Task 1: Ensure vCenter Server is in vRO InventoryTask 2: Troubleshoot and Resolve Workflow IssuesTask 3: Ensure Workflow Runs SuccessfullyTask 4: Adhere to Naming Standardvar snapshotName = name + "-" + + "-Saturn-snapshot";

// Use snapshotName variable when creating the snapshot

By following these steps, you should be able to ensure the vCenter Server is included in the vRO inventory, troubleshoot and resolve any issues with the workflow, run the workflow successfully, and adhere to the required snapshot naming standard.

Question # 4

As the Cloud Administrator, you must ensure that each virtual machine deployed by the Neptune Project is configured to a standard state.

You have already created a state file in the environment that can be used to meet this requirement.
The following tasks need to be completed:

Update the existing Neptune VMware Cloud Template to ensure that:
• The vRealize Automation SaltStack Config minion is installed during deployment.
• The base configuration state file is always run during deployment. The minion id of the machine should be dynamically assigned using the machine name.
• A secret should be used to ensure the remote access password is not visible within the cloud template.
NOTE: Do not deploy the Cloud template.

The following information has been provided to assist you in these tasks:
The following information has been provided to assist you in these tasks:
• vRA FQDN: vt-aulomation.corp.local
• Cloud Admin Username: vcapadmin@corp.local
• Cloud Admin Password: VMwarel!
• vRA Project Name: Neptune
• Existing Cloud Template Name: Neptune Ubunlu
• vRA-SSC Master Minion Id: saltstack
• vRA-SSC Master Id: saltstack_enterprise_installer
• vRA-SSC Environment: sse
• State File Location: /neptune/base/init.sls
• Remote Access Username: salt-user
• Remote Access Password: VMware1
• Password Secret name: salt-password


To update the existing Neptune VMware Cloud Template with the requirements for the Neptune Project, you would follow these steps:

Install the vRealize Automation SaltStack Config Minion During Deployment:


type: Cloud.SaltStack
masterId: saltstack_enterprise_installer
- '${}'
saltEnvironment: sse
- /neptune/base/init.sls
Dynamically Assign the Minion ID Using the Machine Name:
Use a Secret for the Remote Access Password:
type: Cloud.Machine
authentication: usernamePassword
username: salt-user
password: '${secret.salt-password}'

By incorporating these changes, the Neptune VMware Cloud Template will install the SaltStack Config minion during deployment, run the base configuration state file, and use a secret to secure the remote access password.

Question # 5

As the Cloud Administrator, you have been tasked lo complete the following tasks tor the Pluto Project.

1. Configure the following on the network nsx-pluto-existing in the network profile called Pluto Networks

a. IPv4 CIDR:
b. IPv4 Gateway:
c Default Domain: corp.local d. Assign a Capability Tag:
• key: net
• value: existing
2. Define a new IP Range on the nsx-pluto-existing network that has the following configuration:
a. Network IP Range Name: pluto-existing-range b IP Range:
3. Assign a new capability tag to the sgPlutoDatabase Security Group:
a. key: sg
b. value: plutodatabase
4. Update the Pluto Networks Network Profile:
a. Ensure it only has the following networks assigned:
i. nsx-pluto-extemal
ii. nsx-pluto-existing
iii. nsx-pluto-outbound b Configure nsx-pluto-outbound as the external network for the network policy c. Assign a new capability tag to the Pluto Networks network profile:
i. key: net ii. value: pluto


To complete the tasks for the Pluto Project as a Cloud Administrator, you would follow these steps:

  • Access the vRealize Automation console.
  • Navigate to Infrastructure > Configure > Network Profiles.
  • Select the “Pluto Networks” profile.
  • Configure the network nsx-pluto-existing with the following settings:
  • Within the “Pluto Networks” profile, select the nsx-pluto-existing network.
  • Add a new IP Range with the following configuration:
  • Locate the sgPlutoDatabase Security Group within the vRealize Automation console.
  • Assign a new capability tag to the security group with key: sg and value: plutodatabase.
  • Ensure the Pluto Networks profile includes only the following networks:
  • Configure nsx-pluto-outbound as the external network for the network policy.
  • Assign a new capability tag to the Pluto Networks network profile with key: net and value: pluto.
Task 1: Configure Network nsx-pluto-existing in Pluto Networks ProfileTask 2: Define a New IP RangeTask 3: Assign Capability Tag to sgPlutoDatabase Security GroupTask 4: Update the Pluto Networks Network ProfilePlease ensure to follow the specific steps and configurations as per your organization’s standards and the vRealize Automation documentation for detailed instructions on each task

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Advanced Deploy VMware vRealize Automation 8.x (v2) Exam Dumps

Exam Code: 3V0-31.22
Exam Name: Advanced Deploy VMware vRealize Automation 8.x (v2)

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