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Oracle 1z0-590 Test Dumps

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Last Updated: 17-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

When using NFS, what technology is used to control locking on the NFS mount?


Oracle VM uses the same DLM (distributed lock manager) for NFS as it does for OCFS2


The standard NFS drivers are sufficient to properly lock files in an NFS repository.


Oracle VM ships with the IO-EMU drivers, which provide proper locking for files on an
NFS repository.


Oracle VM ships with a DM-NFS server, which runs on the master pool server and
handles distributed file locking for an NFS repository.


Oracle VM uses the same DLM (distributed lock manager) for NFS as it does for OCFS2

Question # 2

Which two are true of an NFS repository when used with Oracle VM?


NFS repositories are excellent for storing guests' root file systems.


NFS is a more expensive option than iSCSI or SAN fabrics.


OCFS2 must be used as the filesystem format for volumes exposed through NFS.


NFS shares mounted directly in a guest require the DM-NFS driver to be installed on the


NFS repositories are excellent for storing guests' root file systems.


NFS is a more expensive option than iSCSI or SAN fabrics.

First of all here you have to select two options but answer shows one. A is ok.
A performance comparisonof NFS and iSCSI for IP-Networked Storage showed that iSCSI
is faster than NFS because iSCSI caches and updates meta-data asynchronously and
transfers blocks rather than files. So the options B is right

Question # 3

On your Oracle VM server which command would you use to list all SAN LUNs with
redundant paths along with their policies?


df –h


dmsetup list


multipath –ll


services devmapd status


mdadm –Q


multipath –ll

Question # 4

Intel and AMD are adding functionality to their microprocessors to improve performance of
virtualized environments.
Which type of virtualization MOST benefits from these technologies?


Emulation-based technologies




Hardware Virtualization


Hardware Partitioning


Operating System Partitioning



Paravirtualized (PVM) -A software interface similar but not identical to the underlying
hardware is presented to the guest operating system. Paravirtualization provides hooks for
guest instructions so that complicated taskscan be performed by the host instead of the
virtual machine, where performance is worse. Paravirtualization requires that the guest
kernel is ported to be made aware of the virtual environment.

Question # 5

In hardware virtualized environment, which answer best describes the drivers that are used
in dom0 and the guest to communicate block I/O requests?


QEMU emulation is used in dom0, and a blkfront driver is used in the guest.


A native device driver is used in dom0, and QEMU emulation is used in the guest.


A blkfront driver is used in dom0, and a blkback driver is usedin the guest


QEMU emulation is used in dom0, and a native device driver is used in the guest.


Native drivers are used in both dom0, and the guest.


QEMU emulation is used in dom0, and a blkfront driver is used in the guest.

Question # 6

What is the best use case for using the JeOS tools to build templates?


Windows administrators looking for a wizard-based approach to template-building Linux


Linux administrators looking for a command-line approach to template-building Linux


Windows administrators looking for a wizard-based approach to template-building
Windows templates.


Linux administrators looking for a command-line approach to template-building Windows


Linux administrators looking for a command-line approach to template-building Windows
and Linux templates.


Linux administrators looking for a command-line approach to template-building Linux

Question # 7

Which three are part of the JeOS toolkit?


Linux command to customize the JeOS images and create the template


JeOS license file


Enterprise Linux JeOS images to use for the System.img


Microsoft Windows JeOS images to use for the System.img


Template reconfiguration scripts


Linux command to customize the JeOS images and create the template


JeOS license file


Template reconfiguration scripts

Linux command is available to customize the JeOS images and for creating the template
you will get a script which will allow to create the template so that template reconfiguration
scripts will be the right answer and a license file should be there. So the correct 3 options I
specified there.

Question # 8

You have installed Oracle VM server from a CD image to your local 250GB hard drive and
chosen not to modify the partition layout. Assuming that the default partition layout is less
than 10GB. What will the installer do with the remaining 240GB of free space?


Create a partition of 250GB and use it as local OCFS2 file system and repository.


Create a partition with 50% of free space and use itas a local OCFS2 file system and


Create a software mirror of a default partition to provide the redundancy and leave the
remaining space unused.


Create a partition of 240GB and mount it.


Leave the reaming space unused.


Leave the reaming space unused.

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Oracle VM 3 for x86 Essentials Exam Dumps

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