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1z0-590 Practice Test

Page 6 out of 28 Pages

For what reason would you download and install OVM Server 3.0.2 SDK template from
Oracle VM template website?


These templates provide development tools (such as gcc, ld, make) that are installed
directly into Oracle VM dom0.


You want to customize your Oracle VM server with additional public software download
from the internet.


You will need this running if you enter any service request to Oracle support services
concerning your Oracle VM server.


You wish to provide an Oracle VM template development environment for Microsoft into
guest to your development team.


You are a network hardware partner working with Oracle and need to compile a third
party driver for a network interface card to integrate it into Oracle VM server but Oracle VM
dom0 does not provide development tool.


You are a network hardware partner working with Oracle and need to compile a third
party driver for a network interface card to integrate it into Oracle VM server but Oracle VM
dom0 does not provide development tool.

If the server pool data on the server pool master is damaged or corrupted, what is the
correct course of action to restore the server pool?


On each Oracle VM server, stop the agent, delete all files in /etc/ovs-agent/db, then
restart the agent.


From the Oracle VM Manager, select the Server Pools tab and do a Restore operation
on the server pool.


On the server pool master, stop the agent, delete all files in /etc/ovs-agent/db, then
restart the agent.


From theOracle VM Manager, select the server pool master on the Servers tab, and
Reboot the server.


From the Oracle VM Manager, select the Server Pools tab and do a Restore operation
on the server pool.

Which two descriptions best describe Oracle's support policy for Oracle products hosted on
other vendors' x86 server virtualization products?


Oracle must have a vendor response agreement with the virtualization vendor before
Oracle will respond to support calls for products running on their virtualization products.


Oracle will provide support for issues that are known to occur on the native OS.


Oracle may request that the problem be reproduced on the native hardware.


Both Oracle and the virtualization vendor must have a joint support process plan in
place before Oracle will respond to support calls for products running on the vendor's
virtualization products.


Oracle does not support any of its products on any non-Oracle virtualization platform.


Oracle will provide support for issues that are known to occur on the native OS.


Both Oracle and the virtualization vendor must have a joint support process plan in
place before Oracle will respond to support calls for products running on the vendor's
virtualization products.

Which three statements describe the relationship between dom0 and domU?


dom0 and domUcommunicate over Oracle clusterware to provide high availability.


domU is started by dom0 which continuously monitor its status.


dom0 route all network and block I/O requests to domU.


dom0 and domU are restarted after the failure if high availability flag is set.


E. dom0 crashes also crashes domU.


If there is a network problem in dom0 and it will not affect the domU.


domU is started by dom0 which continuously monitor its status.


dom0 route all network and block I/O requests to domU.


dom0 and domU are restarted after the failure if high availability flag is set.

When an Oracle VM server starts, by default how does it map physical NICs to Xen


Each physical NIC is mapped to one or more virtual networks, each of which is assigned
a Xen bridge.


One Xen bridge will be created for each physical NIC.


All physical NICs are mapped to a single Xen bridge.


No mapping of physical NICs to Xen bridges is done by default.


The first physicalNIC is assigned to dom0's management; a Xen bridge is then created
for each of the remaining cards.


One Xen bridge will be created for each physical NIC.

Page 6 out of 28 Pages