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Question # 1

Oracle Clusterware manages an administrator-managed database service defined with the MANUAL management policy. Which two statements are true? (Choose two.)
A. The service must be manually started withSRVCTLafter a planned restart of the instance hosting the service.
B. The service must be manually restarted withSRVCTLevery time the instance hosting the service fails.
C. The service must be manually restarted withSRVCTLafter restarting the Clusterware stack on the node hosting the service.
D. Clusterware will monitor the service while it is active.
E. When manually started, the service will always start on one or more available instances rather than on their preferred instances.

  The service must be manually started withSRVCTLafter a planned restart of the instance hosting the service.

  Clusterware will monitor the service while it is active.

Question # 2

Which three statements are true concerning Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) for RAC? (Choose three.)
A. It can analyze performance over any given time period.
B. It can diagnose skew in response time.
C. It can analyze performance using data captured on all instances.
D. It can only analyze performance on the instance running the ADDM job.
E. It can diagnose latency problems in the Cluster Interconnect.

  It can analyze performance over any given time period.

  It can diagnose skew in response time.

  It can analyze performance using data captured on all instances.

Question # 3

You performed these steps to disable an ADVM volume containing an ACFS file system:

1. Dismount the file system.

2. Disable the volume with the ASMCMDvoldisablecommand.

Which two statements are true regarding the actions performed? (Choose two.)
A. The ACFS file system will be permanently removed from the volume.
B. The ACFS mount registry with Oracle restart is automatically deleted.
C. The disabling of volume does not destroy data in the file system.
D. The volume can be enabled and the file system can be mounted back again to access the existing data.
E. The ACFS file system will be permanently removed from the volume only if the file system is empty.

  The disabling of volume does not destroy data in the file system.

  The volume can be enabled and the file system can be mounted back again to access the existing data.

Question # 4

Which four statements are true concerning the upgrading of Oracle Grid Infrastructure 19c? (Choose four.)
A. The cluster verification utility can verify that the cluster is ready for an upgrade.
B. The cluster verification utility can generate fixup scripts to run on all nodes of the cluster.
C. The oracle SID environment variable must be set to the SID of the ASM instance in the installation owner's environment.
D. The oracle home environment variable must be set to the Grid Infrastructure home directory in the installation owner's environment.
E. The upgrade must be done in-place.

  The cluster verification utility can verify that the cluster is ready for an upgrade.

  The cluster verification utility can generate fixup scripts to run on all nodes of the cluster.

  The oracle home environment variable must be set to the Grid Infrastructure home directory in the installation owner's environment.

Question # 5

Which three statements are true about accessing ASM files? (Choose three.)
A. Database instances perform read I/O using an ASM instance as an I/O Server.
B. Database instances can write metadata to ASM diskgroups.
C. Database instances perform read I/O directly to ASM Disks.
D. ASM instances can write metadata to ASM diskgroups.
E. If a database instance writes to an ASM-based datafile whose redundancy attribute is set to mirror, then the ASM instance writes the mirror copy

  Database instances can write metadata to ASM diskgroups.

  Database instances perform read I/O directly to ASM Disks.

  ASM instances can write metadata to ASM diskgroups.

Question # 6

Which three statements are true regarding multitenant architecture for RAC databases? (Choose three.)
A. One undo tablespace for each pdb is required.
B. PDBs can have local temporary
C. You can open one, several, or all PD3s on one, several, or all cdb instances.
D. It requires the cdb to use shared undo management.
E. One undo tablespace for each instance is required.

  PDBs can have local temporary

  You can open one, several, or all PD3s on one, several, or all cdb instances.

  It requires the cdb to use shared undo management.

Question # 7

Which two statements are true about High Availability NFS (HANFS)? (Choose two.)
A. HANFS provides high availability in case of an NFS client failure.
B. HANFS' performance depends on the characteristics of the underlying ASM disks.
C. HANFS does not depend on NFS services provided by the underlying operating system.
D. HANFS provides high availability in case of cluster node failure.
E. NFS client requests are distributed by DNS in a round-robin fashion to the cluster nodes that export the NFS

  HANFS' performance depends on the characteristics of the underlying ASM disks.

  HANFS provides high availability in case of cluster node failure.

Question # 8

Which two steps must always be performed to delete nodehost04from an Oracle 19c Clusterware cluster that does not use Grid Naming Service (GNS)? (Choose two.)
A. Run the crsctl unpin css - host04 command as root on host01, or on either host02 or host03.
B. Run the crsctl delete node -n host04 command as root on host04.
C. Run the crsctl delete node -n host04 command as root on host01, or on either host02 or host03.
D. Run the crsct1 unpin css - host04 command as root on host04.
E. Run the -deconfig -force command as root on host04.

  Run the crsctl delete node -n host04 command as root on host01, or on either host02 or host03.

  Run the -deconfig -force command as root on host04.

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Oracle Database 19c: RAC, ASM, and Grid Infrastructure Administration Exam Dumps

Exam Code: 1z0-078
Exam Name: Oracle Database 19c: RAC, ASM, and Grid Infrastructure Administration

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