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Checkpoint 156-836 Exam Dumps

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Question # 1

During an upgrade, Is Multi-Version Clustering (MVC) supported?
A. No. Maestro does not support MVC because ClusterXL is disabled during an upgrade.
B. No, Maestro does not support MVC.
C. Maestro supports MVC or full connectivity upgrade as of R80.40.
D. Yes, MVC is supported as of R81 for Maestro.

  Yes, MVC is supported as of R81 for Maestro.

Multi-Version Clustering (MVC) is a feature that allows different versions of Security Gateways to operate in the same cluster and provide seamless failover and load balancing. MVC is supported for Maestro environments as of R81, which means that it is possible to upgrade the Security Groups in a Maestro environment as a Multi-Version Cluster with zero downtime. This requires that the Maestro Orchestrators are upgraded to R81.20 first, and then the Security Groups can be upgraded one by one to R81.20 while maintaining full connectivity and synchronization.

•Check Point R81.20 for Scalable Platforms - Check Point Software
•Maestro Dual Site configuration with a direct connection through L2 switches

Question # 2

For the MHO-175, which ports are Management ports?
A. Ports 49 - 55 are Management ports. B. C. D.
B. Ports 1 - 4 are Management ports.
C. Ports 27 - 47 are Management ports.
D. Ports 5 - 26 are Management ports.

  Ports 1 - 4 are Management ports.

According to the Port Mapping for the Check Point Maestro HyperScale Orchestrator MHO-175 document1, ports 1 - 4 are Management ports that are used to connect the MHO to the customer’s management infrastructure, such as SmartConsole or SmartDomain Manager. Ports 5 - 26 are Uplink ports that are used to connect the MHO to the customer’s network infrastructure, such as switches, routers, or firewalls. Ports 27 - 47 are Downlink ports that are used to connect the MHO to the Security Group Modules (SGMs) in the Security Group. Ports 49 - 55 are Backplane ports that are used to connect the MHO to another MHO in a Dual Orchestrator environment.

•Maestro Expert (CCME) Course - Check Point Software, page 42
•Check Point Certified Maestro Expert (CCME) R81.X - Global Knowledge, course outline3
•Port Mapping for the Check Point Maestro HyperScale Orchestrator MHO-1751

Question # 3

How does HyperSync work in a Dual Site environment?
A. Each active connection has two local backups (on the local site) and a third backup connection on the second site (remote site.)
B. Each active connection has a backup connection on the second site (remote site.)
C. Each active connection has a local backup (on the local site) and a second backup connection on the second site (remote site.)
D. Each active connection has a local backup (on the local site) and a second backup connection on each of the MHOs.

  Each active connection has a local backup (on the local site) and a second backup connection on the second site (remote site.)

HyperSync is a feature of Maestro that enables stateful synchronization of connections and resources across different sites in a Dual Site environment. HyperSync works by creating two backup connections for each active connection: one on the same site as the active connection, and another on the remote site. This ensures that the connection can be seamlessly resumed in case of a failover event, either within the same site or across the sites. HyperSync uses the Site-Sync port and VLANs to transmit the synchronization packets between the Security Group Members and the Maestro Orchestrators.

•Maestro Dual Site configuration with a direct connection through L2 switches
•Maestro Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Question # 4

What happens when you make changes from Clish on the SMO Master?
A. The changes are synchronized to the SMS/MDS as a backup.
B. The changes are synchronized to the MHO as a backup.
C. Changes are only applied on the SMO Master.
D. Changes are applied to all members in the SG.

  Changes are only applied on the SMO Master.


•Check Point Certified Maestro Expert (CCME) R81.X Courseware, Module 2: Maestro
Security Groups, Lesson 2.2: Security Group Configuration, page 2-10
•Check Point R81 Maestro Administration Guide, Chapter 2: Maestro Security Groups,
Section: Security Group Configuration, page 2-9
•Security Group Configuration - Check Point Software

Question # 5

Possibilities for a failure in a single SGM of a Security Group include.
A. A change was made with clish instead of gClish, causing the SGM to handle traffic differently than the other SGMs.
B. SecureXL is not enabled on the SGM.
C. An administrator imported a hotfix into the CPUSE repository of a single SGM.
D. There are too many active SGMs in the SG.

  An administrator imported a hotfix into the CPUSE repository of a single SGM.

One of the possible causes of a failure in a single SGM of a Security Group is that an administrator imported a hotfix into the CPUSE repository of a single SGM, instead of using the orchestrator to distribute the hotfix to all the SGMs in the Security Group. This can create a mismatch in the software versions and configurations of the SGMs, and lead to unexpected behavior and errors.

•Maestro Expert (CCME) Course - Check Point Software, page 251
•sk172923: The /var/log/messages file does not save Maestro Gaia Clish commands2
•sk180418: Security Gateway Member (SGM) is stuck after it is added to a Security Group
with image auto cloning enabled on the Single Management Object (SMO)

Question # 6

In a dual MHO environment, MHO1 and MHO2 are connected to the SGM line cards in which way?
A. MHO1 and MHO2 are connected to the SGMs using the Sync cable.
B. MHO1 and MHO2 are connected to the line cards in any order administrators see fit.
C. MHO 1 is connected to the even-numbered ports, while MHO2 is connected to odd￾numbered ports.
D. MHO 1 is connected to the odd-numbered ports, while MHO2 is connected to even￾numbered ports.

  MHO 1 is connected to the even-numbered ports, while MHO2 is connected to odd￾numbered ports.

The correct way to connect MHO1 and MHO2 to the SGM line cards in a dual MHO environment is to use the even-numbered ports for MHO1 and the odd-numbered ports for MHO2. This is to ensure that each SGM has two downlinks to each MHO, and that the downlinks are balanced across the different NICs and links. This provides redundancy and high availability for the traffic flow between the SGMs and the MHOs.

•R81.20 Maestro Cheat Sheet version 7 - Check Point CheckMates, page 2
•Maestro Expert (CCME) Course - Check Point Software, page 18
•Maestro Technical Training, Module 2: Maestro Security Groups and the Single
Management Object, slide 16

Question # 7

To display processes that are consuming excessive system resources, users should use the_____ command.
A. asg perf -v
B. asg stat -v
C. top
D. asg_perf_hogs


The asg_perf_hogs command is a script that displays the processes that are consuming excessive system resources, such as CPU, memory, disk, and network, on the orchestrator and the appliances. It can help identify performance issues and bottlenecks in the Maestro environment.

•Software Provision and Performance hogs failed - Check Point CheckMates1

Question # 8

What can be learned from the output of command?
A. Information about backplane bonds
B. Information about Security Groups
C. Orchestrator port status
D. Information about downlink ports only

  Information about backplane bonds

•R81.20 Maestro Cheat Sheet version 7 - Check Point CheckMates, page 2
•[Maestro Expert (CCME) Course - Check Point Software], page 31
•[Check Point Certified Maestro Expert (CCME) R81.X - Global Knowledge], page 3

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Check Point Certified Maestro Expert (CCME) R81.X Test Dumps

Exam Code: 156-836
Exam Name: Check Point Certified Maestro Expert (CCME) R81.X

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Questions People Ask About 156-836 Exam

Checkpoint 156-836 exam is unique due to its specialized focus on the Maestro orchestration platform, which is designed for hyperscale network environments. Unlike general Check Point certifications, this exam emphasizes:

  • 1. Deep dives into hyperscale architecture and scalability.
  • 2. Mastery of technologies like HyperSync, Maestro Security Groups, and orchestrator clusters.
  • 3. The exam tests candidates’ ability to configure, manage, and troubleshoot in high-demand, real-world scenarios.
  • 4. The certification positions candidates as specialists in managing large-scale enterprise networks using Maestro, a skill in high demand for organizations requiring hyperscale solutions.