Which LINQ method is used to filter data in a List or Data Table based on a condition?
A. OrderBy
B. Where
C. GroupBy
D. Select
Explanation: The Where method is used to filter data in a List or Data Table based on a condition. It returns a new collection that contains only the elements that satisfy the condition12. The other methods are used for different purposes: OrderBy for sorting, GroupBy for grouping, and Select for projecting3.
Which logging level includes the following information by default?
1. Execution Started log entry - generated every time a process is started.
2. Execution Ended log entry - generated every time a process is finalized.
3. Transaction Started log entry - generated every time a transaction item is obtained by
the robot from Orchestrator.
4. Transaction Ended log entry - generated every time the robot sets the transaction status
to either Success or Failed.
5. Activity Information log entry - generated every time an activity is started, faulted or
finished inside a workflow.
6. Arguments and Variables Information log entry - show values of the variables and
arguments that are used.
A. Critical
B. Trace
C. Verbose
D. Information
The Verbose logging level includes all the information that is logged by the other levels,
plus the values of the variables and arguments that are used in the process1. By default,
the Verbose level includes the following log entries2:
Execution Started
Execution Ended
Transaction Started
Transaction Ended
Activity Information
Arguments and Variables Information
You are working on an existing project that is connected to a GIT version control system Which Context menu option should be used to provide local versions of files to the remote repository?
A. Pull (rebase)
B. Push
C. Set As Mam
D. Show History
Explanation: The Push option is used to provide local versions of files to the remote repository in a GIT version control system. Pushing is the process of uploading local repository updates to a remote repository. By pushing changes, other users who have access to the remote repository can view and collaborate on the project1. To push changes to a remote repository, the project must be committed locally first, and then the Push option can be selected from the context menu in UiPath Studio2. References: Pushing changes to a remote repository and Managing Projects with GIT from UiPath documentation.
What is an advantage of utilizing UiPath Orchestrator queues?
A. Capability to modify the retry count at the queue level after its creation.
B. Capability to track the status of Queue Items.
C. Allows several robots to handle the same Queue Item simultaneously.
D. Guarantees each queue is exclusively processed by a single robot, by default.
Explanation: One of the key advantages of using UiPath Orchestrator queues is the ability to track the status of Queue Items. This feature allows for monitoring the progress of items as they are processed by robots, including whether they are new, in progress, successful, failed, or retried, among other statuses.
When should the Show Elements button be used in the Computer Vision wizard?
A. Highlighting all Ul elements that have been identified by the Computer Vision analysis.
B. Displaying a list of all available UI elements and their properties.
C. Activating a real-time view of the target app's UI during automation.
D. Filtering out specific UI elements from being processed by the Computer Vision engine.
Explanation: The Show Elements button in the Computer Vision wizard is used to toggle the highlighting of all UI elements that have been detected by the Computer Vision engine on the target application. This helps to visualize the accuracy and scope of the UI element recognition and to select the desired UI element for automation. (UiPath Automation Developer study guide)
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