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Salesforce-MuleSoft-Developer-II Practice Test

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When implementing a synchronous API where the event source is an HTTP Listener, a developer needs to return the same correlation ID back to the caller in the HTTP response header. How can this be achieved?

A. Enable the auto-generate CorrelationID option when scaffolding the flow

B. Enable the CorrelationID checkbox in the HTTP Listener configuration

C. Configure a custom correlation policy

D. NO action is needed as the correlation ID is returned to the caller in the response header by default

  NO action is needed as the correlation ID is returned to the caller in the response header by default


When implementing a synchronous API where the event source is an HTTP Listener, Mule automatically propagates some message attributes between flows via outbound and inbound properties. One of these attributes is correlation ID, which is returned to the caller in the response header by default as MULE_CORRELATION_ID.


A Mule application defines as SSL/TLS keystore properly ‘tis,keystore.keyPassword’’ as secure. How can this property be referenced to access its value within the application?

A. #{secure::tiskeystore,keyPassowrd}

B. ${secure::tiskeystore,keyPassowrd}

C. ${secure::tiskeystore,keyPassowrd}

D. p{secure::tiskeystore,keyPassowrd}



secure::tiskeystore,keyPassowrd∗∗ShortExplanationofCorrectAnswerOnly:Toreferenceasecurepropertyvaluewithintheapplication,thedeveloperneedstousethesyntax{secure::}. In this case, the property name is tiskeystore,keyPassword, so the correct syntax is ${secure::tiskeystore,keyPassowrd}.


Which command is used to convert a JKS keystore to PKCS12?

A. Keytool-importkeystore –srckeystore keystore p12-srcstoretype PKCS12 –destkeystore keystore.jks –deststoretype JKS

B. Keytool-importkeystore –srckeystore keystore p12-srcstoretype JKS –destkeystore keystore.p12 –deststoretype PKCS12

C. Keytool-importkeystore –srckeystore keystore jks-srcstoretype JKS –destkeystore keystore.p13 –deststoretype PKCS12

D. Keytool-importkeystore –srckeystore keystore jks-srcstoretype PKCS12 –destkeystore keystore.p12 –deststoretype JKS

  Keytool-importkeystore –srckeystore keystore p12-srcstoretype JKS –destkeystore keystore.p12 –deststoretype PKCS12


To convert a JKS keystore to PKCS12, the developer needs to use the keytool-importkeystore command with the following options: -srckeystore keystore.jks -srcstoretype JKS -destkeystore keystore.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12. This command imports all entries from a source JKS keystore (keystore.jks) into a destination PKCS12 keystore (keystore.p12). References:


A. XMLUnit

B. Junit

C. MUnit Extensions Maven plugin

D. MUnit Maven plugin

  MUnit Extensions Maven plugin


To unit test modules created with XML SDK, the developer needs to use the MUnit Extensions Maven plugin. This plugin allows testing XML SDK modules using MUnit by adding a dependency to the module under test and using a custom processor tag to invoke it. References:

Two APIs are deployed to a two-node on-prem cluster. Due to a requirements change, the two APIs must communicate to exchange data asynchronously.

A. If the two APIs use the same domain, the VM Connector can be leveraged

B. The VM Connector is used to inter-application communication, so it is not possible to use the VM Connector

C. Instead of using the VM Connector use directly

D. It is not possible to use the VM Connector since the APIs are running in a cluster mode and each mode has it own set of VM Queues

  If the two APIs use the same domain, the VM Connector can be leveraged


To communicate asynchronously between two APIs deployed to a two-node on-prem cluster, the developer can use the VM Connector if the two APIs use the same domain. The VM Connector allows passing messages between different Mule applications within a single Mule runtime instance or across different instances using shared memory or persistent storage. If two APIs are deployed under the same domain, they can share resources such as VM queues and communicate asynchronously using VM Connector operations.


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