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SPLK-1005 Practice Test

Page 1 out of 16 Pages

How is the forwarder configuration app for Splunk Cloud obtained?

A. Use the wget URL presented when an sc_admin user logs in for the first time.

B. Download from the email sent to the person listed in the SHIP TO: field when the customer licensed Splunk Cloud.

C. Download from the Splunk Cloud UI under the Universal Forwarder app.

D. Download from Splunkbase using credentials.

  Download from the Splunk Cloud UI under the Universal Forwarder app.

Explanation: The forwarder configuration app can be accessed directly through the Splunk Cloud UI in the Universal Forwarder app, which simplifies the deployment process by allowing secure, direct download from the cloud instance.

Given the following set of files, which of the monitor stanzas below will result in Splunk monitoring all of the files ending with .log?

A. [monitor:///var/log/*/*.log]

B. [monitor:///var/log/.../*.log]

C. [monitor:///var/log/*/*]

D. [monitor:///var/log/.../*]


Explanation: The ellipsis (...) in [monitor:///var/log/.../*.log] allows Splunk to monitor files ending in .log in all nested directories under /var/log/. [Reference: Splunk Docs on monitor stanza syntax]

Where is the recommended place to deploy input apps that are not permitted on Splunk Cloud?

A. Universal Forwarder or Heavy Forwarder.

B. Heavy Forwarder only.

C. Universal Forwarder only.

D. Apps cannot be installed on on-prem instances.

  Universal Forwarder or Heavy Forwarder.

Explanation: For input apps that are not permitted on Splunk Cloud, the recommended place to deploy them is on a Universal Forwarder or Heavy Forwarder. These forwarders handle data collection and preprocessing before sending the data to Splunk Cloud. This setup allows organizations to leverage apps and configurations that are not supported directly in the cloud environment.

Which of the following app installation scenarios can be achieved without involving Splunk Support?

A. Deploy premium apps.

B. Install apps via the Request Install button.

C. Install apps via self-service.

D. Install apps that have not gone through the vetting process.

  Install apps via self-service.

Explanation: In Splunk Cloud, you can install apps via self-service, which allows you to install certain approved apps without involving Splunk Support. This self-service capability is provided for apps that have already been vetted and approved for use in the Splunk Cloud environment.
Option A typically requires support involvement because premium apps often need licensing or other special considerations.
Option B might involve the Request Install button, but some apps might still require vetting or support approval.
Option D is incorrect because apps that have not gone through the vetting process cannot be installed via self-service and would require Splunk Support for evaluation and approval.

Which of the following statements regarding apps in Splunk Cloud is true?

A. Self-service install of premium apps is possible.

B. Only Cloud certified and vetted apps are supported.

C. Any app that can be deployed in an on-prem Splunk Enterprise environment is also supported on Splunk Cloud.

D. Self-service install is available for all apps on Splunkbase.

  Only Cloud certified and vetted apps are supported.

Explanation: In Splunk Cloud, only apps that have been certified and vetted by Splunk are supported. This is because Splunk Cloud is a managed service, and Splunk ensures that all apps meet specific security, performance, and compatibility requirements before they can be installed. This certification process guarantees that the apps won’t negatively impact the overall environment, ensuring a stable and secure cloud service.
Self-service installation is available, but it is limited to apps that are certified for Splunk Cloud. Non-certified apps cannot be installed directly; they require a review and approval process by Splunk support.
Splunk Cloud Reference: Refer to Splunk’s documentation on app installation and the list of Cloud-vetted apps available on Splunkbase to understand which apps can be installed in Splunk Cloud.

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