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SK0-005 Practice Test

Page 9 out of 70 Pages

A systems administrator needs to configure a new server and external storage for a new production application environment. Based on end-user specifications, the new solution needs to adhere to the following basic requirements:

1. The OS must be installed in a separate disk partition. In case of hard drive failure, it cannot be affected.r> 2. Application data IOPS performance is a must.

3. Data availability is a high priority, even in the case of multiple hard drive failures.

Which of the following are the BEST options to comply with the user requirements? (Choose three.)

A. Install the OS on a RAID 0 array.

B. Install the OS on a RAID 1 array.

C. Configure RAID 1 for the application data.

D. Configure RAID 5 for the application data.

E. Use SSD hard drives for the data application array.

F. Use SATA hard drives for the data application array.

G. Use a single JBOD for OS and application data.

  Install the OS on a RAID 1 array.

  Configure RAID 5 for the application data.

  Use SSD hard drives for the data application array.

A technician is working on a Linux server. The customer has reported that files in the home directory are missing. The /etc/ f stab file has the following entry:

nfsserver:/home /home nfs defaults 0 0

However, a df -h /home command returns the following information:

/dev/sda2 10G 1G 9G 10% /home

Which of the following should the technician attempt FIRST to resolve the issue?

A. mkdir /home

B. umount nfsserver:/home

C. rmdir nfsserver:/home/dev/sda2

D. mount /home

  umount nfsserver:/home

A company has implemented a requirement to encrypt all the hard drives on its servers as part of a data loss prevention strategy. Which of the following should the company also perform as a data loss prevention method?

A. Encrypt all network traffic

B. Implement MFA on all the servers with encrypted data

C. Block the servers from using an encrypted USB

D. Implement port security on the switches

  Implement MFA on all the servers with encrypted data

A server administrator needs to check remotely for unnecessary running services across 12 servers. Which of the following tools should the administrator use?


B. A port scanner

C. Anti-malware

D. A sniffer


A server technician is installing a new server OS on legacy server hardware. Which of the following should the technician do FIRST to ensure the OS will work as intended?

A. Consult the HCL to ensure everything is supported.

B. Migrate the physical server to a virtual server.

C. Low-level format the hard drives to ensure there is no old data remaining.

D. Make sure the case and the fans are free from dust to ensure proper cooling.

  Consult the HCL to ensure everything is supported.

Page 9 out of 70 Pages