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SK0-005 Practice Test

Page 12 out of 70 Pages

Corporate policy mandates that logs from all servers be available for review regardless of the state of the server. Which of the following must be configured to comply with this policy?

A. Aggregation

B. Subscription

C. Merging

D. Collection


Which of the following asset management documents is used to identify the location of a serves within a data center?

A. Infrastructure diagram

B. Workflow diagram

C. Rack layout

D. Service manual

  Rack layout

A user logs in to a Linux server and attempts to run the following command:

sudo emacs /root/file

However the user gets the following message:

User userid is not allowed to execute Temacs' on this server. Which of the following would BEST allow the user to find out which commands can be used?

A. visudo I grep userid

B. sudo -1 -U userid

C. cat /etc/passwd

D. userlist I grep userid

  sudo -1 -U userid

Which of the following licensing models allows the greatest number of concurrent Windows VMS to run on a host for the lowest cost?

A. per user

B. per core

C. Per instance

D. Per concurrent user

  per user

A technician re working on a Linux server and re trying to access another server over the network. The technician gets server not found message when trying to execute ping servername but no error messages when using ping servername. Which of the following should the technician do to resolve the error?

A. Configure the domain search variable

B. Change the permissions on resolv. conf

C. Configure the DNS address

D. Modify nsswitch. Conf.

  Configure the domain search variable

Page 12 out of 70 Pages