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SK0-005 Practice Test

Page 10 out of 70 Pages

Which of the following is a method that is used to prevent motor vehicles from getting too close to building entrances and exits?

A. Bollards

B. Reflective glass

C. Security guards

D. Security cameras


A server administrator is installing an OS on a new server. Company policy states no one is to log in directly to the server. Which of the following Installation methods is BEST suited to meet the company policy?


B. Core

C. Virtualized

D. Clone


A server administrator wants to run a performance monitor for optimal system utilization. Which of the following metrics can the administrator use for monitoring? (Choose two.)

A. Memory

B. Page file

C. Services

D. Application


F. Heartbeat



A server administrator is testing a disaster recovery plan. The test involves creating a downtime scenario and taking the necessary steps. Which of the following testing methods is the administrator MOST likely performing?

A. Backup recovery

B. Simulated

C. Tabletop

D. Live failover

  Live failover

Which of the following will correctly map a script to a home directory for a user based on username?

A. \\server\users$\username

B. \\server\%username%

C. \\server\FirstInitialLastName

D. \\server\$username$


Page 10 out of 70 Pages