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PSM-I Practice Test

Page 2 out of 19 Pages

Scrum has a role called “Project Manager”.







Where are two good ways for the Development Team to make non-functional requirements visible?
(Choose two.)


Put them on a separate list on the Scrum board, available for all to see.


Add them to the Product Backlog and keep the Product Owner posted on the expected effort.


Run the integration and regression tests before the end of the Sprint, and capture the open work
for the Sprint Backlog of the next Sprint.


Run the integration and regression tests before the end of the Sprint, and capture the open work
for the Sprint Backlog of the next Sprint.


Add them to the definition of “Done” so the work is taken care of every Sprint


Add them to the Product Backlog and keep the Product Owner posted on the expected effort.


Add them to the definition of “Done” so the work is taken care of every Sprint

How much time is required after a Sprint to prepare for the next Sprint?


The break between Sprints is time-boxed to 1 week for 30 day Sprints, and usually less for shorter


Enough time for the requirements for the next Sprint to be determined and documented.


Enough time for the Development team to finish the testing from the last Sprint.


None. A new Sprint starts immediately following the end of the previous Sprint.


All of the above are allowed depending on the situation


None. A new Sprint starts immediately following the end of the previous Sprint.

In the Sprint Planning meeting, the Product Owner and the Development Team were unable to reach
a clear understanding about the highest order Product Backlog items. Because of this, the
Development Team couldn’t figure out how many Product Backlog items it could forecast for the
upcoming Sprint. They were able to agree on a Sprint Goal, however.
Which of the following two actions should the Scrum Master support? (Choose two.)


Cancel the Sprint. Send the entire team to an advanced Scrum training and then start a new Sprint.


Forecast the most likely Product Backlog items to meet the goal and create a Sprint Backlog based
on a likely initial design and plan. Once the time-box for the Sprint Planning meeting is over, start the
Sprint and continue to analyze, decompose, and create additional functionality during the Sprint.


Continue the Sprint Planning meeting past its time-box until an adequate number of Product
Backlog items are well enough understood for the Development Team to make a complete forecast.
Then start the Sprint.


Discuss in the upcoming Sprint Retrospective why this happened and what changes will make it
less likely to recur.


Ask everyone to take as much time as needed to analyze the Product Backlog first, and then
reconvene another Sprint Planning meeting.


Forecast the most likely Product Backlog items to meet the goal and create a Sprint Backlog based
on a likely initial design and plan. Once the time-box for the Sprint Planning meeting is over, start the
Sprint and continue to analyze, decompose, and create additional functionality during the Sprint.


Discuss in the upcoming Sprint Retrospective why this happened and what changes will make it
less likely to recur.

Which answer best describes the topics covered in Sprint Planning?


What to do and who will do it.


How conditions have changed and how the Product Backlog should evolve.


What can be done and how to do it.


What went wrong in the last Sprint and what to do differently this Sprint.


Who is on the team and what team member roles will be.


What can be done and how to do it.

Page 2 out of 19 Pages