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PDT-101 Practice Test

Page 4 out of 15 Pages

Which two events allow for a prospect’s Pardot campaign to be set? (Choose two answers.)

A. When new prospects are imported into Pardot via a .csv file.

B. When the Google Analytics connector is enabled within Pardot, which will associate prospects with third-party campaigns.

C. When prospects are added to a static list.

D. When a profile is associated with the prospects.

  When new prospects are imported into Pardot via a .csv file.

  When the Google Analytics connector is enabled within Pardot, which will associate prospects with third-party campaigns.

A prospect believed to be on an engagement program did NOT receive an email. Which three troubleshooting steps should an Administrator take to determine why the prospect did NOT receive the email? (Choose three answers.)

A. Check the Audits tab to see if the prospect was on the correct lists when the email was sent.

B. Check the Lifecycle tab to confirm whether the prospect entered the engagement program before the email was sent.

C. Check the Profile tab to make sure the prospect has the right engagement program profile.

D. Check the Overview tab to determine whether the prospect is unmailable.

E. Check the Lists tab to determine whether the prospect is on the recipient list or any suppression lists.

  Check the Lifecycle tab to confirm whether the prospect entered the engagement program before the email was sent.

  Check the Overview tab to determine whether the prospect is unmailable.

How can an interested lead that comes to Lenoxsoft’s website and fills out the Contact Us form receive a follow-up email each time he or she submits?

A. Send using the form’s completion actions.

B. Send using a segmentation rule.

C. Send using an engagement program.

D. Use a dynamic list to use as a recipient list on an email send.

  Send using the form’s completion actions.

What behavior should an Administrator expect if a new send email step is added to the middle of an engagement program that has been running for several weeks?

A. All prospects in the engagement program will receive the email, even those who have already reached the end.

B. Only prospects in the engagement program who have NOT reached that step will receive the email.

C. All prospects in the engagement program who have NOT reached the end will receive the email.

D. A new email CANNOT be added to an engagement program.

  Only prospects in the engagement program who have NOT reached that step will receive the email.

Viewing a pricing page is considered a valuable buying signal. LenoxSoft would like to be able to report on and segment prospects who have visited the pricing page. Which automation tool would best achieve this?

A. Create a special campaign to track pricing page views.

B. Create a Page Action set to Tag prospects as having viewing it and add them to a list.

C. Create a Form with a Completion Action to send a pricing sheet.

D. Create a Dynamic List based on page view to segment automatically.

  Create a Page Action set to Tag prospects as having viewing it and add them to a list.

Page 4 out of 15 Pages