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PDT-101 Practice Test

Page 3 out of 15 Pages

What would an Administrator use to send a single email to a list of prospects?

A. List email

B. Engagement program

C. Social message

D. Email template

  Email template

What does scoring measure?

A. Personal information about a prospect

B. Time spent on website by a prospect

C. Activities performed by a prospect

D. Time spent on a website by a prospect and explicit information about the prospect

  Activities performed by a prospect

If a form is added to a landing page, where will the submissions be reported?

A. On the landing page

B. On the form

C. On the landing page’s layout template

D. On the form’s layout template

  On the form

What does Pardot use to track HTML email opens?

A. A tracking link is used as soon as a prospect clicks to open the email.

B. A tracking pixel loads on HTML emails when images are downloaded.

C. Opens are only tracked if a link is clicked; otherwise they are NOT tracked.

D. A tracking pixel loads on text emails when images are downloaded.

  A tracking pixel loads on HTML emails when images are downloaded.

What are two components of a dynamic list? (Choose two answers.)

A. Only adds prospects to the list the first time it runs

B. Automatically updates list membership based on criteria.

C. Can add an action to the dynamic list that triggers when a new prospect is added.

D. Can be split into multiple static lists.

  Automatically updates list membership based on criteria.

  Can be split into multiple static lists.

Page 3 out of 15 Pages