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EX200 Practice Test

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Upgrading the kernel as, and configure the system to Start the default kernel,
keep the old kernel available.

Answer: # cat /etc/grub.conf
# cd /boot
# lftp it
# get dr/dom/kernel-xxxx.rpm
# rpm -ivh kernel-xxxx.rpm
# vim /etc/grub.conf

Create a user named alex, and the user id should be 1234, and the password should be

Answer: # useradd -u 1234 alex
# passwd alex
echo alex111|passwd -stdin alex

Add 3 users: harry, natasha, tom.
The requirements: The Additional group of the two users: harry, Natasha is the admin
group. The user: tom's login shell should be non-interactive.

Answer: # useradd -G admin harry
# useradd -G admin natasha
# useradd -s /sbin/nologin tom
# id harry;id Natasha (Show additional group)
# cat /etc/passwd
(Show the login shell)
# system-config-users

Configure the verification mode of your host account and the password as LDAP. And it
can ldapuser40. The password is set as "password". And the certificate login successfully
can be downloaded from http://ip/dir/ldap.crt. After the user logs on , the user has no host
directory unless you configure the autofs in the following questions.

Answer: system-config-authentication
LDAP Server: ldap//instructor.example.com (In domain form, not write IP)
# yum groupinstall directory-client (1.krb5-workstation 2.pam-krb5 3.sssd)
# system-config-authentication
1.User Account Database: LDAP
2.LDAP Search Base DN: dc=example,dc=com
3.LDAP Server: ldap://instructor.example.com (In domain form, not write IP) 4.Download
CA Certificate
5.Authentication Method: LDAP password
getent passwd ldapuser40

Find the files owned by harry, and copy it to catalog: /opt/dir

Answer: # cd /opt/
# mkdir dir
# find / -user harry -exec cp -rfp {} /opt/dir/ \;

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