Which Steps should an administrator take if a successfully configured cloud storage data stream fails to refresh with a NO FILE FOUND error message?
A. Check permissions are configured for the CDP user
B. Check if the Cloud Storage data source is enabled in CDP setup
C. Check permissions are configured for the S3 user
D. Check if the file exists in a specific S3 bucket
What role in a company was Salesforce CDP designed for?
A. Developer
B. Marketer
C. Salesperson
D. Data Analyst
What is the maximum limit of the number of records for Full Refresh Extract Method?
A. 10 million
B. 40 million
C. 50 million
D. No hard limit
How is Restriction of Processing request handled in segmentation?
A. Restricts data processing on all entities
B. Restricts data processing while saving the segment
C. Restricts data processing for individual and unified individual profile
D. Restricts data processing during activation
Which two features are impacted by the Time zone setting in CDP instance? [Corrected]
A. Ingestion Schedule
B. Activation Schedule
C. Identity Resolution publish schedule
D. Segmentation schedule
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