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CKA Practice Test

Page 2 out of 13 Pages

A Kubernetes worker node, namedwk8s-node-0is in stateNotReady.Investigate why this is
the case, andperform any appropriate steps tobring the node to aReadystate,ensuring that
any changes are madepermanent.
You cansshto the failednode using:
[student@node-1] $ | sshWk8s-node-0
You can assume elevatedprivileges on the node with thefollowing command:
[student@w8ks-node-0] $ |sudo –i

Check the Image version of nginx-dev pod using jsonpath 

Answer: See the solution below.
kubect1 get po nginx-dev -o

Print pod name and start time to “/opt/pod-status” file

Answer: See the solution below.
kubect1 get pods -o=jsonpath='{range items[*]}{}{"\t"}{.status.podIP}{"\n"}{end}'

Create a busybox pod that runs the command “env” and save the output to “envpod” file

List all the pods sorted by name

Answer: See the solution below.
kubect1 get pods

Page 2 out of 13 Pages