Topic 1, Volume A
Describe some features within web services.
Answer: l- 30+ operations (methods) supported
2. Numerous entities (objects) supported
3- SOQL (S force Object Query
4. SOSL (S force Object Search Language)
Describe some feedback mechanisms that can help drive "relentless incrementalism":
Answer: 1. Send out user surveys
2. Use blind surveys
3. Create a user group or committee
4. Tap into exec committees for recommendations
5. Use face-to-face interviews
6. Use Sales force (Ideas, Pollzter, Click Tools).
Describe some results of a sharing model that is too public.
Answer: There is a lot of dirty data. Data can easily be stolen.
Describe some techniques for motivating users:
Answer: 1. Gel executive sponsorship (including having them use it in meetings)
2. Win over sales personnel
3. Identify power users and evangelists
4. Create motivations everywhere, both inside and outside the system
5. Use both marketing messages and the app itself as drivers
Describe some techniques for winning over sales teams?
Answer: 1.Know the audience and realize that the driver for sales users is making their n umbel's
2. Ask to sec planners, notes, etc, and notice what is different between high and low performers
3. Examine what they want to track
4. Encourage a vision of the left hand knowing what the right is doing
5. First step is usually to make information tracking easy by consolidating all in one place
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