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ADM-211 Practice Test

Whether you're a beginner or brushing up on skills, our ADM-211 practice exam is your key to success. Our comprehensive question bank covers all key topics, ensuring you’re fully prepared.

Page 3 out of 75 Pages

Topic 1, Volume A

Define User Adoption

Answer: User adoption means gaining the trust of users to use the system on a regular basis as
They will feel that they want to use the system instead of being forced to use it.

Describe Apex

Answer: 1. Apex is a procedural scripting language executed
2. It uses a Java-like syntax, acts like database stored procedures.
3. It runs natively on sales force servers, more powerful and faster than non-server code.
4. It adds business logic to most system events - button clicks, related record updates, s-control
displays, data loads

Describe data "scrubbing":

Answer: Scrubbing is a processed used to help identify dirty data.
The process removes formatting (like in a phone number) to line up data to check for duplicates or
bad data.

Describe how administrators can examine what configuration changes have been made:

Answer: 1. Through the audit trail (at Setup | Security Controls).
2. It will show the 20 most; recent setup changes, you can download a complete history for the last
180 days
3. There are over three dozen items tracked (see "Monitoring Setup Changes" in help)
4. Alternatively, you might use Dream factory's Snapshot or other Metadata API-based tools.

Describe how can you use Excel Connector in conjunction with custom reports to get the data you

Answer: 1. Run the report from Excel using Connect for Office, then
2. Use the Excel Connector to manipulate and update data

Page 3 out of 75 Pages