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312-50v11 Practice Test

Page 12 out of 104 Pages

Shellshock allowed an unauthorized user to gain access to a server. It affected many
Internet-facing services, which OS did it not directly affect?











What do Trinoo, TFN2k, WinTrinoo, T-Sight, and Stracheldraht have in common?


All are hacking tools developed by the legion of doom


All are tools that can be used not only by hackers, but also security personnel


All are DDOS tools


All are tools that are only effective against Windows


All are tools that are only effective against Linux


All are DDOS tools

DHCP snooping is a great solution to prevent rogue DHCP servers on your network. Which
security feature on switchers leverages the DHCP snooping database to help prevent manin-
the-middle attacks?


Spanning tree


Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI)


Port security


Layer 2 Attack Prevention Protocol (LAPP)


Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI)

Bobby, an attacker, targeted a user and decided to hijack and intercept all their wireless
communications. He installed a fake communication tower between two authentic
endpoints to mislead the victim. Bobby used this virtual tower to interrupt the data
transmission between the user and real tower, attempting to hijack an active session, upon
receiving the users request. Bobby manipulated the traffic with the virtual tower and
redirected the victim to a malicious website. What is the attack performed by Bobby in the
above scenario?




KRACK attack


jamming signal attack


aLTEr attack


KRACK attack

Explanation: We discovered serious weaknesses in WPA2, a protocol that secures all
trendy protected Wi-Fi networks. an attacker within range of a victim will exploit these
weaknesses using key reinstallation attacks (KRACKs). Concretely, attackers will use this
novel attack technique to scan info that was previously assumed to be safely encrypted.
this will be abused to steal sensitive info like mastercard numbers, passwords, chat
messages, emails, photos, and so on. The attack works against all modern protected Wi-Fi
networks. depending on the network configuration, it’s additionally doable to inject and
manipulate information. as an example, an attacker can be ready to inject ransomware or
alternative malware into websites.The weaknesses are within the Wi-Fi standard itself, and
not in individual products or implementations. Therefore, any correct implementation of
WPA2 is likely affected. to forestall the attack, users should update affected products as
soon as security updates become offered. Note that if your device supports Wi-Fi, it’s most
likely affected. during our initial analysis, we have a tendency to discovered ourselves that
android, Linux, Apple, Windows, OpenBSD, MediaTek, Linksys, and others, area unit all
affected by some variant of the attacks. For more info about specific products, consult the
info of CERT/CC, or contact your merchant.The analysis behind the attack are presented at
the pc and Communications Security (CCS) conference, and at the Black Hat Europe
conference. Our detailed analysis paper will already be downloaded.Update October 2018:
we’ve a follow-up paper wherever we generalize attacks, analyze additional handshakes,
bypass Wi-Fi’s official defense, audit patches, and enhance attacks using implementationspecific
DEMONSTRATIONAs a proof-of-concept we have a tendency to executed a key

in this form of encryption algorithm, every Individual block contains 64-bit data, and three
keys are used, where each key consists of 56 bits. Which is this encryption algorithm?




Triple Data Encryption standard


MDS encryption algorithm




Triple Data Encryption standard

Triple DES is another mode of DES operation. It takes three 64-bit keys, for an overall key
length of 192 bits. In Stealth, you merely type within the entire 192-bit (24 character) key
instead of entering each of the three keys individually. The Triple DES DLL then breaks the
user-provided key into three subkeys, padding the keys if necessary in order that they are
each 64 bits long. The procedure for encryption is strictly an equivalent as regular DES, but
it’s repeated 3 times , hence the name Triple DES. the info is encrypted with the primary
key, decrypted with the second key, and eventually encrypted again with the third
key.Triple DES runs 3 times slower than DES, but is far safer if used properly. The
procedure for decrypting something is that the same because the procedure for encryption,
except it’s executed in reverse. Like DES, data is encrypted and decrypted in 64-bit
chunks. Although the input key for DES is 64 bits long, the particular key employed by DES
is merely 56 bits long . the smallest amount significant (right-most) bit in each byte may be
a parity , and will be set in order that there are always an odd number of 1s in every byte.
These parity bits are ignored, so only the seven most vital bits of every byte are used,
leading to a key length of 56 bits. this suggests that the effective key strength for TripleDES is really 168 bits because each of the three keys contains 8 parity bits that aren’t used
during the encryption process.Triple DES ModesTriple ECB (Electronic Code Book)• This
variant of Triple DES works precisely the same way because the ECB mode of DES.• this
is often the foremost commonly used mode of operation.Triple CBC (Cipher Block
Chaining)• This method is extremely almost like the quality DES CBC mode.• like Triple
ECB, the effective key length is 168 bits and keys are utilized in an equivalent manner, as
described above, but the chaining features of CBC mode also are employed.• the primary
64-bit key acts because the Initialization Vector to DES.• Triple ECB is then executed for
one 64-bit block of plaintext.• The resulting ciphertext is then XORed with subsequent
plaintext block to be encrypted, and therefore the procedure is repeated.• This method
adds an additional layer of security to Triple DES and is therefore safer than Triple ECB,
although it’s not used as widely as Triple ECB.

Page 12 out of 104 Pages