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201-Commercial-Banking-Functional Practice Test

Page 1 out of 9 Pages

From the default structure hierarchy in nCino, which options can have one or many options below them in the hierarchy? (Choose three)

A. Sub Limit

B. Current Takedown

C. Main

D. Limit

  Sub Limit



True or False? A Loan that is processed through nCino will typically go through multiple approval processes.

A. True

B. False


True or False: The packaged Setup of nCino UI will have Risk Rating already configured.

A. True

B. False


Nodes in the Overview Tab can be directed to which of the following?

A. A specific List View or a specific Dashboard

B. A specific List View or a specific Report

C. The Loan Object or the the Report Object

D. The Loan Object or the Dashboard Object

  A specific List View or a specific Report

When converting a lead, what is NOT created?

A. Loan

B. Memo

C. Individual Relationship

D. Business Relationship


Page 1 out of 9 Pages