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156-536 Practice Test

Whether you're a beginner or brushing up on skills, our 156-536 practice exam is your key to success. Our comprehensive question bank covers all key topics, ensuring you’re fully prepared.

Page 1 out of 15 Pages

What GUI options do you have to access the Endpoint Security Management Server in a cloud environment?

A. Infinity Portal and Web Management Console

B. SmartConsoleandGaiaWebUI

C. Nothing, there is no Cloud Support for Endpoint Management Server.

D. SmartEndpoint Distributor

  Infinity Portal and Web Management Console

Where are quarantined files stored?

A. On client computer, under C:\ProgramData\CheckPoint\Endpoint Security\Remediation\quarantlne

B. On client computer, under C:\ProgramData\CheckPoint\Harmony Endpoint Security\quarantine

C. On Management server, under $FWDIR\sba\Remediation\quarantine

D. On client computer, under C:\Program Files\CheckPoint\Endpoint Security\Remedlaiion\quarantine

  On client computer, under C:\ProgramData\CheckPoint\Harmony Endpoint Security\quarantine

What does FDE software combine to authorize accessibility to data on desktop computers and laptops?

A. post-logon authentication and encryption

B. OS boot protection with pre-boot authentication and encryption

C. OS boot protection and post-boot authentication

D. Decryption

  OS boot protection with pre-boot authentication and encryption

Full Disk Encryption (FDE) protects data at rest stored on_________.

A. RAM Drive

B. SMB Share

C. NFS Share

D. Hard Drive

  Hard Drive

What is default Agent Uninstall Password, which protect client from unauthorized removal?

A. Secret

B. Chkp1234

C. secret

D. RemoveMe


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